Friday, March 8, 2013

How to Know If You're an Otaku

I am sure that there are people out there that knows what Anime and Manga are but have no Idea what an otaku is. I was one of you people once to. A friend had to tell what it was. So, I will help you people out there decide If you are an otaku or not.

1.Do you watch anime more then normal TV shows?
2.Do you read manga more then real books?
3. Do you obsess over any characters?
4. Do you think anime/manga boy (or girls) are hotter, more intresting, ect, then real ones?
5. Do you own any mechandise from a anime or manga?
6. When you think/dream/imagaine are they in anime/manga form?
7. When you fangirl (or fanboy...) do you squeal like an fangirl from animes/mangas?
8. Do you make sounds from from animes/mangas like 'meep!', 'uug', or along those lines?
9. Do you call your friends names of anime/manga Character names, like 'Italy', 'Honey-sempi', or 'Ichigo'?
10. Do all (or most) your friends read/watch Anime/mange?
11. Are you in any clubs about anime/manga?
12. Do you go to every Con. you can? Do you cosplay to most of these?
13. Is the first thing you think of when you hear something an anime/manga?
14. Do you find yourself randomly quoting a character?
15. Do you connect things you learn at school/work to anime/manga?

If you are most of these, then you are an Otaku. I myself fit all of these execpt #11 and #12. (Don't tell my boyfriend about #4... ^-^)